Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday Sounds: Tengui
Delicate and contemplative sounds from one of the Colony residents. Something very delicate and beautiful about this mix. Perfectly suited for a Sunday...
Colony_016: Tengui
01. Xela - The Dead Sea [Type]
02. ASC - Conversations [NonPlus]
03. Demdike Stare - Matilda's Dream [Modern Love]
04. Monoton - Soundsequence [Oral]
05. Peter Broderick & Machinefabriek - Homecoming [Fang Bomb]
06. Pan American - Wing [Kranky]
07. Emeralds - Magic [Hanson]
08. The Sight Below - New Dawn Fades [Ghostly]
09. RJ Valeo - Chasm [Io]
10. Petar Dundov - Anja's Theme [Music Man]
11. Oneohtrix Point Never - Woe Is The Transgression I [No Fun]
12. Tengui - The Centre Of Your Soul (v1) [Unreleased]
13. Alva Noto - Xerrox Meta Phaser [Raster-Noton]
14. Loscil - Endless Falls [Kranky]
15. Alva Noto - Xerrox Monophaser 2 [Raster-Noton]
16. Boards Of Canada - Corsair [Warp]
More info: Colony homepage / soundcloud
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Steffi & Nick Höppner at Dommune
Last Saturday was the most fun I have had at Eleven, mainly due to Prosumer playing a really great set of house music. And this weekend there is more Panorama Bar action at Eleven... After her successful debut in Japan at Labyrinth, Steffi is back in town to mark the release of her new album on Ostgut, 'Yours and Mine'. She is joined by another one of the P-Bar crew, Nick Höppner. They will also be taking over Dommune on Thursday night, so I'd recommend tuning in tomorrow:
Eleven presents Steffi & Nick Höppner at Dommune
Thursday 27 January 2011
Japan time: 21:00 - 24:00
Berlin: 13:00 - 16:00
London: 12:00 - 15:00
New York: 07:00 - 10:00
Melbourne: 23:00 - 02:00
Sometimes the talk show before runs a bit late, so don't stress if it doesn't start bang on time. Tune in at: or
And for everyone in Tokyo, I'd definitely suggest coming along to Eleven on Saturday night. Both Steffi & Nick are really looking forward to playing. It is going to be a very fun night. More info here. Hope to see you there.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
time out
you may have noticed things have been a bit quiet around here lately, basically PC has been having some time out and i haven't had much to say. in terms of the blog, i'm feeling a bit out of sync right now. i am really enjoying music a lot, there are plenty of releases - new and old - that are keeping me happy and getting me excited, but i have little desire to talk much about them, and i've been increasingly disenchanted with the insipid circle jerking that constitutes most online commentary recently. i'm also concerned this is a problem i am contributing to, rather than resisting or improving on. it is a tough one to balance... anyway, i'll be continuing to take some time out while i think about this and some other stuff. there will be some posts coming up soon, but probably nothing too detailed, not until i feel there is something to say, and that i can do so in a more productive manner than the acritical platitudes that too often serve in the place of substance. in the meantime, for people in tokyo, prosumer is playing tomorrow at eleven, and then steffi & nick hoppner next week, so hope to see some of you there for a boogie. and for everyone else, i'll still be making a decent amount of noise on the ssgs twitter.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Lucy tracklist
Here's the tracklist for Lucy's mix. A couple of gems in particular that I connected with, and bonus points for playing two of my favourite Kraftwerk tracks!
Ssg Special: Lucy - My Very Own Palette Mix
Pink Floyd "Live At Pompeii" (extract)
Brian Eno "Thursday Afternoon"
Alva Noto + Opiate "Opto File 1"
Jan Jelinek "Do Dekor"
William Basinsky "Melancholia"
Radiohead "Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors"
Kraftwerk "Uranium"
Kraftwerk "Radioactivity"
David Sylvian + Holger Czukay "Plight (The Spiralling Of Winter Ghosts)"
David Toop "A Cartographic Anomaly"
Aphex Twin "Meltphace 6"
Plaid "Seizure"
Pink Floyd "Live At Pompeii" (extract)
Boards Of Canada "Gyroscope"
The Black Dog "Chase The Manhattan"
Basic Channel "Phylyps Trak II / I"
Lego Feet "Untitled"
Pink Floyd "Live At Pompeii" (extract)
Thanks again to Lucy for the mix. More soon.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Ssg Special: Lucy - My Very Own Palette Mix
We are very glad to start another year of mixes with someone who had a breakout year in 2010: Lucy, the man behind Stroboscopic Artefacts. In a remarkably short space of time, Lucy and SA have emerged to the forefront of contemporary techno. One thing that immediately struck us both about the artist and the label is how fully formed they were conceptually - from Lucy's opening release on SA001 you can already identify a very clear aesthetic, approach and intent. Obviously this development did not take place in a vacuum, and we were very interested to discover some of the formative influences that have helped give shape to Lucy and SA. So this was Lucy's mandate, and the way he responded was to create a deeply personal mix that provides some of the context for his upcoming debut album, 'Wordplay For Working Bees'. I don't really want to talk much about the mix, as it speaks for itself. The only thing I would say is that I think Lucy has composed something very beautiful, and it is a mix that we have strongly connected with. So take a wander inside Lucy's mind and heart. Enjoy:
Ssg Special: Lucy - My Very Own Palette Mix
We've got a tracklist, so no need to worry, we will post it next week.
Lucy and SA have a busy schedule coming up: there are SA showcases at Berghain on 5 February, Wuppertal on 18 March, and Corsica Studios on 2 April. 'Wordplay For Working Bees' is due out in March, and I think the best way I could describe it is saying it is kind of like a nice piece of steak: tastes great, but takes a while to digest! Prior to the album, there is a remix EP coming out early February, 'Beelines For Working Bees', which has some heavyweight contributions. For more info on gigs, releases etc., check Lucy's RA page and the SA homepage. Huge thanks to Lucy for digging deep on this one. The perfect way for ssgs to start 2011!
Monday, January 10, 2011
第1回MNML SSGSパーティーのお知らせ
2010年はMNML SSGSにとって、Disk UnionとのコラボCD-Rシリーズ、C_olvrinとDasha Rushをゲストとして迎えたDommuneでのパーティー、そしてメルボルンでのクリスマスパーティーなどを通じてブログ・ネット上に限らず少しずつ活動の領域を広げていくことのできた年となりました。2011年は今まで通りブログを通して音楽を紹介して行きつつ、リアルの世界での活動も続けて行きたいと思います。
今回選んだメインフロアのラインアップはConvextion aka E.R.P.のライブ、そしてDJ Sprinkles aka Terre ThaemlitzのDJセットです。
DJ Sprinkles aka Terre Thaemlitzはもう20年以上もDJと音楽制作を続けてい
B2F: Convextion aka E.R.P. Live, DJ Sprinkles aka Terre Thaemlitz
B1F: MNML SSGS chill out DJs
2011.3.20 (祝前日日曜日)
MNML SSGS party in Tokyo!
One big development for MNML SSGS in 2010 was us branching out into the 'real world', so to speak, with a series of Disk Union CDRs, a night at Dommune in Tokyo with C_olvrin and Dasha Rush, and a Christmas party in Melbourne. In 2011 we plan to continue developing this side of the blog and are really excited by the possibilities it holds. An important step in this is that MNML SSGS will be hosting its first club night in Tokyo on Sunday 20 March 2011 (night before a public holiday) at Module in Shibuya. Since moving here almost a year ago I've putting a lot of energy into developing the Japanese side of the blog (with the constant help of my wife Yuri), and contributing to the scene here in Tokyo. After thinking about it for a while, we felt it was time to do a party, and do it right. There was no point doing an event for the sake of doing one, but we found some artists we really wanted to have play for us in Tokyo and we've secured a really great underground venue for it. The aim is to basically do a party with the same aesthetic and approach that informs MNML SSGS.
In the main room (B2F), we have invited Convextion aka E.R.P. to play live. I've been lucky enough to witness him play at Labyrinth twice and both times he was brilliant. His 2008 set is one of the best livepas I've ever witnessed. Convextion might not be the biggest name around, but he is amongst the best. Beautiful, beautiful music. Not only is he is a great artist, Gerard also happens to be a lovely guy, and it will be an absolute pleasure bringing him back to Japan. Convextion will be joined by DJ Sprinkles, aka Terre Thaemlitz, who will be playing the rest of the night. Despite living just near Tokyo, Terre doesn't actually play out here very often, so this is a great opportunity to see him play. Terre has been DJing for a long time now, and has developed a very unique and important voice. Behind the decks he is remarkably versatile and broad in his selections, weaving together his distinctive brand of house music. Convextion and DJ Sprinkles all night. That's a pretty awesome lineup, as far as we are concerned...
Keeping with the ssgs spirit, the side room (B1F) will be based on the chill out rooms that used to exist in the 1990s but have unfortunately largely disappeared from parties today (we've talked about the situation here). I'll be braving the decks and I'll be joined by Dave the Silent Ssg, C_Olvrin, and two more ssgs, Jeff and Jerome. We will be playing ambient, downbeat, IDM and experimental music all night. I really miss chill out rooms and I am very excited about bringing it back, even if only for one night.
So the details are:
B2F: Convextion aka E.R.P. Live, DJ Sprinkles aka Terre Thaemlitz
B1F: MNML SSGS chill out DJs
2011.3.20 Sunday before holiday
Module, Shibuya
Really excited about this! Expect more plenty more updates about the party.
sandwell district on dommune
this will be a quick post, as i'm just starting to recover from sandwell district at unit last night. regis and function absolutely killed it. the club was packed, and normally i can't enjoy myself when it is too crowded, but SD were just too good. compared to when i saw them about a year ago, i was impressed with how much they have developed their performance - they were completely in sync throughout the night and never went too hard, always pulling it back at the right moments. this was a very clear demonstration that sandwell district are right on top of their game. don't think there is anyone better in techno right now.
and if you don't believe me, sandwell district are playing at the tokyo 'internet club' dommune on monday night, so you can tune into the live video stream and check for yourself. details are:
mindgames presents sandwell district at dommune
monday 10 january 2011
japan time: 21:00 - 24:00
berlin: 13:00 - 16:00
london: 12:00 - 15:00
new york: 07:00 - 10:00
melbourne: 23:00 - 02:00
tune in at: or
huge respect to regis, function, and the mindgames crew for the fantastic party last night. looking forward to the dommune show!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Free Oni!
Photograph: Goodyn Green
Oni Ayhun has made available two new tracks for free download. 'Under Western Eyes' is a 16 minute Oni workout - rambling, distorted and totally fucked up. At 4 minutes, 'Nablus' is more coherent, creating a slightly foreboding, almost ominous atmosphere. These two tracks are definitely Oni at his more extreme and experimental, but that's just fine with me.
More info at Oni Ayhun's site.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Into Light tracklist
Hope 2011 is off to a good start for all the ssgs out there. Thanks to everyone who has checked the mix I made to bring in the new year. I'm pretty happy with it turned out. Some really beautiful music badly crossfaded (but the mix as a whole is pretty well constructed I think)... A few people asked for the tracklist, so here it is:
Chris - Into Light mix
FUSE - Nitedrive
From Within - Snake Charmer
Laurent Garnier - Water Planet
Sysex - At First Flight
Drexciya - Neon Falls
Model 500 - Starlight (Soultek remix)
ERP - Sensory Process
Dopplereffekt - Z-Boson
Drexciya - C to the Power of X + C to the Power of X = MM = Unknown
Cybotron - Techno City
Thanks for listening. Next week it'll be back to the professionals with a special mix from Lucy.
Monday, January 3, 2011
sandwell district hit tokyo
i'm struggling to think of a better way to start 2011 than this: mindgames - the crew behind labyrinth - are bringing sandwell district to play ALL NIGHT at unit on saturday 8 january. sandwell district are riding high on the release of their 'feed forward' LP and this will be the first time they are playing together in japan. regis is opening the night, then he will be joined by function to play together as sandwell district, with the night being finished by function on his own. this is also the first time in a couple of years that mindgames are doing a club party, and you can rest assured they will have unit sounding amazing. i'm expecting this to be the 2nd best party we will see in 2011 (with labyrinth being #1, of course). so trust me, get to unit on saturday night. it's going to be special.
and if you needed anymore convincing (which you shouldn't), check this live recording of function in action at berghain in october 2009.
more info at mindgames
つい先日ファーストアルバムFeed Forwardをリリースして
今まで以上に波に乗ってるSandwell District一色!
その後はRegist &FunctionによるSandwell District
Sandwell Districtとしてのプレイは日本では今回が初めてとなるので
つい先日ファーストアルバムFeed Forwardをリリースして
今まで以上に波に乗ってるSandwell District一色!
その後はRegist &FunctionによるSandwell District
Sandwell Districtとしてのプレイは日本では今回が初めてとなるの
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