Friday, October 7, 2011

October agenda

Back in Tokyo, and after a quiet 6 months, the music is slowly flowing more freely again. I was hoping to have a restful weekend at home, but unfortunately that will not be possible, as there is a Raster-Noton showcase. Both Alva Noto and Vladislav Delay have new albums on R-N, so I'm excited to hear them in a live context. This will be a rare visit to Womb for me, it seems a very odd decision to have the party there, especially when Unit has worked fine for previous label nights. The usual crowd at Womb is one that would most definitely not have heard of R-N, so lets see how it works out. In fact, after being to Womb once in the last 5 years, it looks like I might be going twice in the next week, as Sigha is playing in the second room there next weekend. Again a bit of a weird place for the booking, but so be it, it's good to have him in Tokyo and luckily he is not on the main floor. In between, one of our favourite techno people, Marcel Fengler, is playing next Friday at Eleven. It will be good to have him back in Tokyo. And after that, we've got our Sound Garden chill out party the following weekend on Sunday 23 October, which is always a lot of fun. Details for the events are:

Sunday 9 October: Raster-Noton Express at Womb
Thursday 13 October: Marcel Fengler at Dommune
Friday 14 October: Marcel Fengler at Eleven
Saturday 15 October: ummm Loco ummm Dice and ummm Beatport presents Sigha at Womb
Sunday 23 October: Sound Garden chill out party at Orbit

There are more ssg friendly people playing Tokyo in November, including one artist we are particularly excited about, so there are some nice parties coming up...


  1. Pity we dont get to see anything like this in melbourne. To top this line up off would be Kangding Ray but i doubt anyone would be complaining

  2. @ Christos: *actually*, there are some pretty good gigs coming up here... considering our geography, we do alright. Better Melbn' than Auckland or Adelaide... ...for my money what's really lacking at most Melbourne gigs is a hot atmosphere with people totally fucking dancing their arses off. I would say the onus = on us, not on 'gigs'. It is true that shitty festivals eat a lot of the good internationals, but...

    back in TKY: ah, barren 'ol Womb. Barren in 2003, barren in 2011. Many a great gig has been stillborn in Womb. If Terre launches 'Soulessness' in a big way, he should do a 40 hour show there, or something.

  3. Better in Melbourne than Brisbane where we get NOTHING at all. You had the 5hour Sandwell District gig not too long ago, and coming up Klock and Dettmann 8hr gig.

  4. agree, melb does get the pick of the bunch relative to other cities, and many greats have visited us over the years, no complaints.

    Last time i saw people going nuts at a tech event would date back to the early teriyaki/fokus nights

  5. @christos

    there seems to be a bit of a renaissance happening in melb.
    before christmas we have
    >move d/panthu du prince/fred p
    >strawberry w/ the above + dozzy, desolat (weisemann), minologue, trus'me
    >van hoesen at stereosonic
    >anthony shakir in the mercat basement
    >john roberts/octave one
    >c2 is somewhere on that night too
    >fengler is down sometime too

    in the next 2 months, that's pretty freaken good.


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