Sunday, May 29, 2011
More ASC in Tokyo
Last night ASC really impressed me at Module. A distinctive feature of his RA and ssg mixes are how perfectly balanced and structured they are. But these are studio mixes, so I was interested to see if he could pull it off in a live setting. And indeed he can. Over 3 hours he put together a tightly mixed and beautifully composed set that demonstrated his distinctive take on the autonomic sound. I know he is coming out of D&B, but not much of what I heard last night is what I associate with this genre, he is definitely going well beyond it. Much respect to ASC for a great performance!
Good news is that everyone around the world can catch ASC in action, as he is playing Monday night at Dommune. And before then, for our Tokyo friends, he is playing a special deepspace ambient set today (Sunday) at our "Sound Garden" chill out party. Here is the timetable for today:
Sound Garden chill out at Bar Orbit
16:00 - 18:00 - Chris
18:00 - 20:00 - Jerome
20:00 - 21:00 - ASC (deepspace set)
21:00 - 23:00 - David
Full details here. Hope to see some ssgs down there later today, it is going to be a super relaxing way to finish the weekend... And the info for tomorrow night at Dommune is:
Continental Drift at Dommune
Monday 30 May: C_olvrin, ASC
If you want to come, there are still spots available, you can register here.
Live stream at
Tokyo: 9pm - 12am
Melbourne: 10pm - 1am
London: 1pm - 4pm
Berlin: 2pm - 5pm
New York: 8am - 11am
As usual, Dommune can be a bit late getting started, keep an eye on the mnml ssgs account, I'll update everyone on when things get started.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Ssg special - Kangding Ray

"Capital burns off the nuance in a culture. Foreign investment, global markets, corporate acquisitions, the flow of information through transnational media, the attenuating influence of money that's electronic and sex that's cyberspaced, untouched money and computer-safe sex, the convergence of consumer desire..."(Don DeLillo, Underworld, 785).
Or... (Kangding Ray, OR, 2011)
Or... (Kangding Ray, OR, 2011)
When Chris, Cam, Dave and I started mnml ssgs back at the end of 2007, one of the first things we did was formulate a wishlist of artists we'd like to do mixes for us. Kangding Ray was on it. The email went out in due course, and David got back to us, leaving the line open: less than a promise, more than a no. It was tantalising. Three years later, here it is: from our perspective, a patience-ripened mix more than a thousand days in the waiting. What can we say? Kangding Ray has repaid us, with interest, with pure gold.
Those of you who are already Raster-Noton tragics like Chris and I will have noted the emergence of Kangding Ray's work, and with it a distinctive voice that manages to be unlike the others it nonetheless clearly draws inspiration and influence from. For the unfamiliar, a few loose comparisons. There is a strong avant sound design side to his work, making it more in the tradition of 'audible architecture' a la Robert Henke. But the difference, for me, is a musical quality of composition absent from a lot of Monolake. While hardly songs, Kangding Ray tracks are beautifully wrought arrangements. There is also a definite dark, emotive strain in Kangding's sound, which brings him close to Apparat or Moderat. Again though, this isn't quite right: for me, Kangding Ray shows an admirable restraint that Apparat's full blown 'Ableton emo' often lacks. Finally, there is a highly developed 'sound sculpture' side to Kangding Ray.
This third aspect has really come to the polished fore on the new album. If you checked out the astonishing Pruit Igoe EP last year – without a doubt, one of 2010's best – then this will give you a foretaste. But OR (Gold) is more: this is an album that bathes you in the dark glow of late capitalism, right up to your neck. I'm not bullshitting you, either on the sound side or David's intentions – read about the album here. Hell, buy a copy: this is capitalism, after all. Indeed, consider doing so before the system implodes. Having said all that, the incredible thing OR is that this isn't some kind of worthy political posturing, or unlistenable, murmuring 'arrhythmic deconstruction of the arrhythmia of the creative destructive heart of capitalism'. It also happens to be an amazingly immersive and listenable album.
I don't want to say too much about the mix Kangding Ray has made for us, because I want to avoid giving your ears strong preconceptions. It's called 'vs', it was made for ssgs – in more ways than one – and it is, in outline, a sublime swirl through a decade and more of heavy memories: his, yours, ours. Like floating through an imploding system. I love it.
ssg special - Kangding Ray VS mix
For more general info on Kangding Ray, check his excellent website, ; for more general info on the state of capitalism, try watching Fox News while reading DeLillo and listening to OR at high volume.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Seduced again

After falling hard for Marcel Dettmann a couple of years ago, lately I have slowly lost interest. His album last year was solid, but it didn't greatly appeal to me, and when I saw him play last year he was good, but certainly not on the level I had expected. I never doubted his talent, but I did wonder if he was suffering a bit from a punishing touring schedule and a few too many commitments. Staying on top of your game while travelling week in, week out, is a tough ask for anyone. So when I saw the tracklist for this new mix of his, I was immediately interested, as this looked much more like what attracted me to Dettmann in the first place. And having listened to it, I have to say, this really is an inspired effort: beautifully programmed and much more personal than anything else I have heard from him. This is a mix that I expect to stay on my mp3 player for a long time. Definitely worth checking:
oki-ni presents "Seduction" by Marcel Dettmann
01 - Chris & Cosey - Metroeme
02 - Bruce Gilbert - Epitaph for Henran Brenlar
03 - Twilight Ritual - Tears On The Wall
04 - Kas Product - Tina Town
05 - Cluster - Fotschi Tong
06 - Severed Heads - Legion
07 - The Klinik - Suffer In Silence
08 - Raime - Retread
09 - The Cure - A Strange Day
10 - Klaus Doldinger - Eingeschlossen
11 - Front 242 - Don’t Crash
12 - Demdike Stare - Rain & Shame
13 - Ultravox - Rage In Eden
14 - Burning Star Core - Hopelessly Devoted
15 - Section 25 - The Process
16 - Pink Industry - Is This The End?
More info over at oki-ni. And if you missed the Andrew Weatherall mix in their series, that one is also highly recommended.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
ASC in Tokyo!
Great news for ssgs in Tokyo: next Saturday 28th May one of our favourite artists - ASC - is coming to town, and is playing at one of our favourite clubs, Module. As you probably know by now, I am a big fan of ASC's distinctive take on the autonomic sound, so I am really looking forward to hearing him in a club environment. If you have yet to check out ASC, I strongly suggest rectifying that immediately by grabbing these two excellent mixes from ASC. These are definitely two of the best mix I have heard in the last year. Incredibly well balanced and structured:
ASC - RA233 mix
ASC - ssg special mix
ASC will be playing for 3 hours, with an extended to open the night from C_olvrin, who many of you might remember from the excellent set he played at our Dommune party last year. I'll be opening the chill out room upstairs, so umm... there is some added incentive to come to the party. Anyway, details are:
Continental Drift presents ASC
Saturday 28 May at Module
10pm - late
2,500 yen on the door
For more info, check the RA page and the Module page. And if you want to hear more mixes and music from ASC, check his blog. Hope to see you on Saturday. This party is going to be fun. I strongly recommend coming out for it.
motion sickness of time travel tracklist
As promised, here is the tracklist for the excellent Motion Sickness of Time Travel mix. If you haven't checked it yet, I strongly suggest you do, it's a beauty. And perfectly suited for a Sunday...
"Electric Rain" mix - Curated by Rachel Evans / Motion Sickness of Time Travel
Artist / Album / Track / Label
1. Air Sign / Our Galactic Covered Wagons to the Stars / "Untitled", side A / Stunned
2. Nova Scotian Arms / Slow Architecture split / "Graphics Bloom" / Sweat Lodge Guru
3. Afterlife / Hypnautic Rinse / "Open Ocean" / Stunned
4. Bernardino Femminielli / Souvenir Express / "Memoria Punto D#" / Digitalis Ltd.
5. Charlatan / Meridians / "Flares" / Hobo Cult Records
6. Tidal / Motion Sickness of Time Travel/Tidal split / "Shadow Cast" / Tranquility Tapes
7. Sounding the Deep / Glacier / "Cosmic Shore" / Sonic Meditations
8. Hobo Cubes / Emotions / "High. Y." / Los' Discos Enfantasmes
9. Lee Noble / No Becoming / "Emotive Cloak" / Sweat Lodge Guru
10. Lunar Miasma / Crystal Covered / "Purple Oscillator" / Bases Frequencies
11. Panabrite / Nordsee/ Contemplating the Observatory / "Tunnel Flight" / Digitlais Ltd.
12. Renee Hell / Club Speed / "Room 7" / Ekhein
13. Emeralds / Grass Ceiling / "Standing Water" / Fag Tapes
14. Expo 70 / Psychic Funeral / "Psychokinesis Within Meme" / Sonic Meditations
15. Sundrips / Arrays / "Silver Breeze" / Fade Away Tapes
16. Derek Rogers / Informal Meditations / "Live at Salvage Vanguard Theater, Austin, TX 2010.10.10" / No Kings
17. The Away Team / Evacuate Planet Earth/Cloud Prism split / " Skymud" / Hooker Vision
18. Reedbeds / Reedbeds / "Untitled", side A/ Calypso Hum
New ssg mix up on Tuesday.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Not Not Fun
The last week or so I have been organising some of my music as I think about what I will play next weekend at our next chill out party. And in the process of doing this, it started becoming very clear how much of the music I have been buying this year comes from Not Not Fun. Over the last 6-12 months I have found myself increasing bored with most contemporary techno and house: it is not bad, but... it is just not that exciting either. Yes, of course there are still some strong releases coming out, but there is too much that is good and not great. Quite simply, I am struggling to remain that interested... In this context, I have found myself increasing gravitating towards and exploring Not Not Fun. NNF is erratic, exuberant, obscure, quirky, but thoroughly interesting and worthwhile. If you check their Discogs page, you can see they put out quite a bit of stuff, and the quality is definitely mixed. But if you dig about, there are some real gems in there. Some of the releases I have been enjoying include: Dylan Ettinger's "New Age Outlaws" and "Lions of Judah", Xander Harris' "Urban Gothic", and Sand Circles' "Midnight Crimes". And on the new sub-label 100% Silk, "Muddy Tracks" by The Deeep is great, as is the new Gillette EP. Actually pretty much all of the stuff on 100% Silk is worth checking - it is more dancefloor orientated and a bit less weird. Pipecock has written a good introduction to the sub-label, which I would recommend reading if you would like to know more.
To be clear, NNF is not to everyone's tastes, and there is plenty of stuff which is a bit 'too much' for me. But I would encourage you to check it out, as they are releasing some excellent music right now, and as I said, it tends to be much more interesting and inventive than what is currently going on in techno and house. If you are interested, an excellent entry point into their sounds is the NNF label mix pontone is hosting:
NNF pontone mixtape
Another good thing about NNF is that even though they release a lot of stuff on tape, they also put out plenty of vinyl and digital. This means it is much easier to get hold of their releases in comparison to some of the other labels currently operating out of the States. So if can handle the over-the-top descriptions and that horrible BEEP, check out the big selection of NNF releases at Boomkat.
That's about all I have to say about NNF, as I am still exploring. But if you want something a bit different and are feeling adventurous, my advice would definitely be to check this label out.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Berlin double

Just a quick post for any ssgs in Berlin... I will be there in early June (3rd-13th), but I wish I was travelling there a couple of weeks earlier, as this weekend and next there are a few special acts playing. This Saturday 21 May at the Robot Army party Ugandan Methods are playing live. I presume this will be Ancient Methods & Regis, which would be seriously cool. I am still waiting for a chance to see Ancient Methods play, I remain firmly convinced they are one of the most interesting and important acts in techno today. And then next weekend the thoroughly under-rated Scorn will be playing live as part of the 'Tourist Trap' party on Saturday 28th May. I strongly recommend checking him out - he has a very distinctive and totally awesome sound, kind of like death metal dub-step. Sandra Electronics are also on the bill, again I am presuming Regis will be involved with that. Filling out the bill are other ssg favourites Function, Sandwell District, and Dasha Rush, so this is definitely a very ssg-friendly party. Two gigs that make really want to be in Berlin! But I cannot complain too much, as this Saturday in Tokyo Atom TM is playing at Unit, and Fred P at Eleven, then next Saturday 28th ASC will be making his Japan debut at Module... So plenty of fun to be had over here too...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Ssg special - Motion Sickness of Time Travel
Operating in parallel to our techno world is another electronic universe, one made up of limited editions tapes and CDRs filled with obscure syth oddities and lo-fi gems. For those outside (like myself) this is all rather daunting, hell most of us still have our old tape player in a box somewhere at our parents' house. This world can be rather impenetrable, but you get enough glimpses to know that there is something very exciting happening over there. Editions Mego has probably done the most to bridge this divide, notably with artists like Oneohtrix Point Never and the Emeralds, and their new sublabel Spectrum Spools. This really is just the tip of the iceberg, though, and when I hear an artist like today's contributor I want to discover more...
Motion Sickness of Time Travel would have been another artist / ship in the night, if it wasn't for the strong recommendation given to me by two people whose taste I really trust. As soon as I read the name I was interested. In my books, Motion Sickness of Time Travel is one seriously cool artist name. And on hearing Seeping Through The Veil of The Unconscious the name somehow made sense. The album has an ethereal beauty to it, ghostly and enchanting, music that recalls lost memories you never quite had. Intrigued and wanting to know more about this artist and these sounds, I asked Rachel Evans (aka MSOTT) for a mix and she kindly obliged. The result is a captivating, beautiful journey into this other world that many of us know little about.
This is what Rachel wrote about her mix:
"It's pretty hot in the southern United States, especially around this time of the year. The temperature seems to rise a little everyday, and rain seems to fall less and less. It wouldn't be quite so bad if it weren't such a dry heat. The tracks I chose for this mix are from our personal tape and cd collection. All of the releases are both refreshing and relaxing in their own ways. The synth and guitar expressions included have a way of cooling down the air around me on extra humid days, and washing over like a slow, chilly rain. Each track has its own fragrance too, and expresses its own unique personality. Although the artists are varied, there's still some amount of underlying aesthetic that holds all of them together like a lovely bouquet. My friendship with many of the artists featured further cements this mixture of music and well-represents some of my favorite tape labels and artists operating today."
"Electric Rain" mix - Curated by Rachel Evans / Motion Sickness of Time Travel
As usual, full tracklist up next week. Rachel is very busy, with plenty of solo & collab work on the way. There is a MSOTT LP & CD coming soon on Digitalis, a split release with Nova Scotian Arms on Aguirre, as well as cassettes on Hobo Cult Records and Digitalis Ltd. As Quiet Evenings (with her husband Grant), there is a lovely new CD called Transcending Spheres, and they are playing at Gainesville, FL on 20th May. This is just a short list of stuff Rachel has coming up... She is also working on a project with a good friend of ours, Camella Lobo from Tropic of Cancer. Very excited to see how that develops. Anyway, for more information, make sure to check the Motion Sickness of Time Travel homepage. Huge thanks to Rachel for this gem. Enjoy the trip.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Next chill out party - Sunday 29 May
We had our first Sound Garden chill out party last month and it went very well. Everyone who came had a great time (we think) and there was plenty of great music played (we know). Orbit really is a perfect place for something like this, it was lots of fun sitting around on the floor, drinking, relaxing, and talking with friends. So building on the success of our first party, the second installment will be on Sunday 29 May. This time we will be starting and finishing a bit earlier, so try to get down before it gets too late. Jerome, David and myself will be providing the music, and if we are lucky, we may have a special guest too...
Sound Garden - May party
DJs: David Dicembre (Combine) / Chris (MNML SSGS) / Jelomu (Drone) / ?
Sunday 29 May
16:00 - 23:00
Bar Orbit, Sangenjaya
If you want to have a relaxing Sunday evening with friends and good music, this is the place to be. See you there!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Ssg special - A.P
Ranging from spacey ambient, drone, to more downbeat dub techno, Ghost Sounds is a label I have come to appreciate for its understated beauty. The standout release so far has been the "City Nightlights" album by relapxych.0. It reminds me a lot of some of what I love about 90s ambient - there are some beats under the soundscapes, as well as some common themes and threads that are explored and repeated throughout. After spending time with the album, we thought it'd be interesting to hearing what a mix from Anders Peterson (aka relapxych.0) would sound like.
A.P has kindly provided two mixes: one is based on his own music and that of his Ghost Sounds label. The second one emerges from his role doing mastering, and is a new wave mix made up mainly of material from Fockewulf 190. These mixes actually dovetail very nicely with where my head is at right now, as I've been listening to plenty of '80s stuff recently, as well a lot of ambient. Despite the two mixes exploring different genres, there is definitely a commonality in the way A.P presents the sounds: there is a warmth and personal touch in the way the music is compiled that gives these mixes a real charm.
A.P "Reality altering psychoacoustics" mix
1. (0.00) relapxych.0 - "City nightlights II"
2. (5.44) A.P reworks Muslimgauze - "Citadel in nightlight"
3. (11.46) Rie Lambdoll / relapxych.0 - "In the maze"
4. (16.37) Skyscaper - "Skyshapes"
5. (19.40) Skyscaper / Ekelon - "Shaping the sky"
6. (25.21) Skyscaper - "Skyshapes"
7. (26.11) relapxych.0 - "Desert nightfall"
8. (30.24) Fatih Tuter - "W&S I" (relapxych.0's Under desert nightskies Remix)
9. (33.53) relapxych.0 - "Landmark II"
10. (37.56) Unknown caller - "Transmission F"
11. (42.20) relapxych.00 - "Pharmaceptic"
12. (47.54) Unknown caller - "Room of scattered memories and dust"
13. (52.59) A.P - "Encrypted m2"
14. (55.24) A.P - "Foreverneverendeverend"
15. (56.31) A.P - "Nowhere everywhere"
16. (58.00) relapxych.0 - "Reembrace"
17. (61.46) Last industrial estate - "Thrown a way (Machinery in motion")
Track 1 and 9 from "City nightlights" (CD / 12", Ghost Sounds PXYCH.03), track 2 from upcoming Muslimgauze box set on Extreme Music, track 3 from V/A "Wandering" CD (Silent season, SSCD06), track 4-6 from "Skyshapes" 12" (Ghost Sounds PXYCH.08), track 7 from "Shapes / phases" 12" (Ghost Sounds PXYCH.02), track 8 from "Wide & shallow with remixes I" CD (Silent season SSCD08), track 10, 12 and 13-15 from upcoming A.P "The eerie calm reincarnate" 2Lp / CD (Ghost Sounds PXYCH.09), track 11 from "Hallucinogenitaliencryption" 12" / CD (Ghost Sounds PXYCH.06), track 16 from "Ripples on the surface of time and space" CD (Ghost Sounds PXYCH.07) and track 17 from "Shapes in motion" 12" (Ghost Sounds PXYCH.00).
A.P "New waves of old" mix
1. (0.00) Fockewulf 190 - Dreamingspace
2. (2.53) Fockewulf 190 - Body heat
3. (9.19) Fockewulf 190 - Microcosmos
4. (11.58) Fockewulf 190 - We are colder
5. (16.41) Fockewulf 190 - UFO
6. (19.06) Fockewulf 190 - Orient express
7. (24.22) Fockewulf 190 - Dreamingspace
8. (25.26) Fockewulf 190 - Gitano
9. (31.22) Mushy - Faded heart
10. (37.04) Beograd - MRAK
11. (39.35) Tara Cross - Touch me here, touch me there
12. (43.11) Port said - Monsoon
13. (49.55) Tara Cross - Uncovering dishes
14. (56.11) Degada Saf - Tri-banal
15. (61.14) Tara Cross - Like I am (Comme je suis)
Tracks 1-8 from FOCKEWULF 190 "Microcosmos 1981-1986" 2Lp (Vinyl-on-demand VOD89), track 9 from MUSHY "Faded heart" LP / CD (Mannequin MNQ 004), track 10 from upcoming BEOGRAD 7" on Anna Logue Records, tracks 11, 13 and 15 from TARA CROSS, "Tara Cross 1982-89" 4LP-Box (Vinyl-on-demand, VOD85), track 12 from upcoming 2lp (Vinyl-on-demand) and track 14 from Degada Saf "No inzro" CD (Mannequin MNQ 009). Label websites: Vinyl-On-Demand / Mannequin / Anna Logue
Given that the two mixes are using music from a few artists and labels, we decided it was best to post the tracklists as the same time. For more info on A.P and the Ghost Sounds label, check their homepage. Thanks to Anders for taking the time to put together these mixes. Enjoy...
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Dommune double
Over Golden Week Tokyo has really come back alive, and that is set to continue, with a pair of great shows at Dommune. On Monday Surgeon is returning for what will be his 3rd appearance at the club (I think). And then on Tuesday Mindgames will be taking over Dommune, with DJ So (one of the Labyrinth organisers) and Peter van Hoesen playing. At Unit last week Peter put together the best set I have ever seen from him. Totally next level: powerful, deeply personal techno. I am really looking forward to hearing what he will do in the context of Dommune. These are going to be 2 fun parties. Make sure to tune in if you can! The details are:
Monday 9 May: Surgeon
Tuesday 10 May: DJ So, Peter van Hoesen
Live stream at
Tokyo: 9pm - 12am
Melbourne: 10pm - 1am
London: 1pm - 4pm
Berlin: 2pm - 5pm
New York: 8am - 11am
Well, I think those are the correct time zones... It starts around 9pm Japan time, that is for sure. Often the talk show beforehand runs over time, so if people are still talking shit when it is scheduled to start, just be patient!
Also huge respect to our friends at Dommune. Through donations raised during broadcasts over the last month or so, they have managed to raise almost 8,000,000 yen for earthquake relief. An amazing effort.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
PC presents - housebound loveache rollercoaster mixtape

'What is this thing called, love?'
I've also been thinking a lot about mixtapes over the past while. I've been especially provoked by the always wonderful selections coming out of pontone (that actually use the mp3 medium to advantageous message), as some as the extremely thoughtful and interesting mixes on FACT and RA, such as King Midas Sound's amazing one (which I'm still caning, and of which, no doubt, you've already heard me enthuse). Theirs is a pretty unbeatable homage to meeting/finding 'the one'. Here, I've done something different...
....'cos I've also been thinking a lot about narrative and mixing. When I started playing some of the 80s vinyl I own, I found Optimo's approach totally inappropriate for me (not least of all 'cos I don't have the chops to pull off those kindsa mixes). I remember Terre mentioning how/why s/he often doesn't beatmix - let the track play, all the way through. If it's worth hearing, it's worth hearing in full. Back then, cassettes and record players without pitch control made a virtue of that contraint, I think (or, at least, it's easy to put a nostalgic halo on what was, actually, just a pain in the arse - but that's nostalgia for you). Here in terms of mixing and matching, I've opted for the middle ground, but left the Mazzy Star-style fading to iTunes (yes, quite romantic, isn't it), proving that everyone's a fucking DJ these days, even any given Ms A. McBook (of Cupertino, CA).
So, taken together: this is a semi-automated narrative mixtape about a love affair, from go to whoah to - oh no - and back again, with the eventual getting of wisdom (building up [to] some serious romantic callous). From the flowers of lust to the full blooming of hate and evil to the timid blossoming of spring once more, all the way through to the dusky afterglow of affectionate ambivalence (a summery dismissal), with the pace and tone matching the mood (I hope). Love and lust being as they are, I chose some pretty garish colours in parts. Also intentional. 'Cos infatuation is cheesy. And lust is very rude (and quite gross, if it's not your lust). And love is also the ultimate enigma. But also totally undeniable. Which is why we all love it so much.
So here it is, lad(d)ies: hot on the heels (and developed in interactive thought with) of our lists from yesterday, a mix provoked and shaped by the thing itself, the ultimate conjugation, the cause of nearly all our highs and a fair portion of our lows...
Housebound Loveache Rollercoaster Mixtape
* tips also to the rejected remainder from this one: I just could *not* get a track to fit from Yoshinori Sunahara's Lovebeat, here. But do check it out - maybe you can tell me why he wouldn't fade into the others...
PC presents - a tracklist made from a mixtape made of my 010100010s

Frank Bretschneider - A Soft Throbbing of Time
Peverelist - Roll with the Punches
Fatima Yamaha - What's a girl to do?
Carly Simon - Why (12" version)
Pink Floyd - Fearless
Dj Sprinkles - Ball'r (Madonna-free Zone)
The Aphex Twin - Z Twig
O–|–> - Love 2 tha 9s
Kraftwerk - Computer Love
Roman Flugel - Brian Le Bon
The Aphex Twin - Lichen
Loscil - The Making of Grief Point
Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto - Uoon 1
...and here's the mixtape one more time, if you like the tracklist and didn't give it a gander
9/6/04: 'We must take threats seriously before they fully materialize.' (Applause.)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
19 Electronic Love Songs
Groove N' Vibes asked us to contribute a play list for their site. After much discussion over what the theme of our list should be, we eventually decided on 'electronic love songs'. Thanks to Groove N' Vibes for inviting us. It was fun coming up with this list. Lots of memories...
19 Electronic Love Songs from MNML SSGS
More soon.
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