Monday, July 26, 2010
Late July Discussion Thread: dance music culture is controllable desire that begins at home
The only thing that's missing from that depiction of dance music culture is a frank discussion of what the other ??% consists in: piracy.
Good lord, somehow, if this were possible through this, somehow the entire gesture would be almost complete in one mouse click.
Aside from the staggering beauty of music, that is. But thankfully, soon many of us may not have to worry about that, either.... ...thank God, our good, honest, wholesome families are safe once more...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
futures past mix
the mixtapes i've put together and shared here over the last 1.5 years or thereabouts have been, in their own way, snapshots of myself at different moments. much of it was dealing with, and working my way through, a difficult, challenging and unstable period of my life. after some very rough patches i made it through the other side in one piece (just) and now find myself in tokyo, embarking on a new chapter...
recently i had a growing desire to construct a new mixtape, one that said something about where i'm at right now, both mentally and musically. last week i spent some time picking tracks and creating this new mixtape of mine, and i think i've achieved what i was trying to do. it is certainly not perfect, far from it, but i feel it really expresses something important that i want to say.
more than anything, this mix is a reflection on time, specifically the way the past influences and shapes (but not determines) our future. one passage from marx has had a really profound impact on me, and sums up part of my thinking on this matter:
'men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past.'
the title of the mix - futures past - is from another book that has strongly influenced me, and succinctly conveys the core idea that shapes this mix. while not intentional, it contains records from every decade since the 1970s. the earliest is about '72, the most recent came out a month or two ago. so the way music from different eras interacts and combines together hopefully works on another level to express this dynamic between constraint and opportunity that the past provides for the present and future.
chris - futures past mix
1. Terre Thaemlitz - 040468
2. Transllusion - I'm Going Home
3. Actress - Maze
4. The Black Dog - Sleep Deprivation 2
5. Tangerine Dream - Movements of a Visionary
6. Subway - Horizons
7. Arpanet - Wireless Internet
8. Sigha - Light Swells (in a distance space)
9. F.U.S.E. - Into the Space
10. Speedy J - Evolution
11. Skanfrom - In 17
12. Anthony Rother - Biomechanik
13. Skanfrom - Cashier 2
14. Drexciya - Hightech Nomads
15. Hardfloor - The Life We Choose (ERP remix)
16. Arpanet - Infinite Density (edit)
17. Jan Hammer - Crockett's Theme
i'm taking a holiday from mnml ssgs for the next fortnight or so. i'm busy with a trip to europe and it is also time to have a bit of a break from here and recharge my energy. as enjoyable as working on the blog is, it takes a huge amount of time and effort, and after a while i need some distance and perspective. recently i've been feeling this is needed... so please listen to the mix if you want, i feel it is a good statement of me right now (and there are plenty of great tracks in it too). i'll add the tracklist later on.
Monday, July 19, 2010
june tracklist
here is the tracklist for the most recent ssg special, care of june. if you missed it, definitely make sure to grab it now. as you can see from the killer tracklisting, there is plenty of heat in this mix. i've had this one on repeat since it arrived.
june ssg special mx
1. Hieroglyphic Being - The Bathroom Sessions/Audio Memoir 5 (Music From Mathematics)
2. Hieroglyphic Being - So Much Noise 2 Be Heard (Mathematics Recordings)
3. Throbbing Gristle - Hot On The Heels Of Love (Industrial Records)
4. Jeff Mills - Cobham (Purpose Maker)
5. Ø - Lasi (Sähkö Recordings)
6. Alexander Robotnick - Made In China (IBM Edit) (Crème Organization)
7. Virgo - Go Wild Rythm Trax (B3) (Other Side Records)
8. QX-1 - I Won't Hurt You (I Swear) (Rhythm Beat)
9. Pierre's Pfantasy Club Featuring J.R. - Fantasy Girl (Radio Mix) (SRO)
10. Saturn V - Locomotion (Nation)
11. Chicago Shags - West Park (Strange Life Records)
12. Chicago Skyway - Heavens (Mix 6) (M>O>S Recordings
13. Marcello Napoletano - Back 2 The Riot (Mathematics Recordings)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
good times with eli and roger
the other day eli verveine emailed me telling me about a very special night she played recently with roger23, describing it as one of her best experiences DJ'ing:
'it was such a blast...
just the essence... good music and good people!'
luckily it was recorded it and eli has made it available for everyone. individually eli and roger are both stunning DJs, so putting them together can only lead to good things...
roger23 and eli verveine at satisfactory
and if you haven't yet heard eli's recent comfortnoise podcast, get it, because it is brilliant. this girl really has something special.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
theo, maurice & fun in tokyo
just a quick post about a party i am super super excited about going to this weekend. only a couple of months after he was last here, maurice fulton is back playing at the liquid room, this time with theo parrish. nice! maurice fulton is one of my favourite DJs and producers. he is seriously under-rated, one of the best in the business, as far as i'm concerned. his sets jump effortless between his trademark percussives and killer disco and house. last time he even finished with janet jackson (and made it work). i'm yet to see theo parish, but very interested to, as i've heard great reports about his DJ sets. also this gig is at the liquid room, easily my favourite venue in tokyo, if not the world (yes, i think
i like it more than berghain). so i'm expecting it to be a great night. for all our tokyo readers, i strongly suggest coming along (remember that monday is a public holiday). i constructed this formula to help explain:
maurice fulton + theo parrish + liquid room = fun
hope to see you there!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
ssg special - june
a few months ago i was intrigued by a new release at clone, which they described as 'ranging from trippy acid house to chicago' and 'composed solely on hardware machines'. what's more, all the tracks had been produced in the month of june. this description got me interested and i picked myself up a copy of june's first EP. the release was not necessarily doing anything that new, but it worked with classic sounds in a very faithful and loving manner. in this way it reminded me a bit of a more chicago orientated version of some of donnacha costello's classic colour series records. the sense i got was that these tracks were created by someone who really cares about and understands music. so i chased june down to see if he'd be interested in putting together a mix for us, and now you have the pleasure of hearing the results. much like his own productions, june's mix is full of classic sounds, composed and programmed in such a way that gives the mix real life and vitality. you can hear this is mixed by someone who loves the music, and this is exactly what the ssgs about, so we are super happy to present this mix. it also fits perfectly with where my head is at right now: lots of raw, essential grooves. enjoy, this one is a beauty.
june - ssg special mx
if you are interested in june's sounds, check his june01 EP and he also has a track on music from mathematics vol 6 (a very appropriate home for him). for more info, have a look at june's myspace and soundcloud. big thanks to june for putting together this fantastic mix. i'm really happy we can share this one with you. enjoy.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
burnt ssg
mnml ssgs is basically supposed to be a 'hobby' for PC and myself. i put that in inverted commas because for a hobby it takes a shitload of a time and effort, and much of the time it feels more like a second (unpaid) job. it's totally worth it, because we love the opportunities it brings, the doors it opens, the discussions that take place, the music we can act as a platform for and so on. but we also have pretty busy lives, so sometimes it is hard to keep on top of everything with the blog (this is also why i might be slow on correspondence), and now and again there are fuck ups. this is one of those times. when october first sent me his mix, i loved it, my only complaint was that it was in 192kbps. it was such a great mix i really wanted to be able to give it to everyone in 320kbps. in the process of getting the new version, october accidentally sent the 320 version of the first draft of the mix, rather than the final version. i didn't check the new mix properly and just posted it... and it has taken me to now to find out about the fuck up. ummm... sorry people. to be honest, i don't think it makes that big a difference as the tracklisting is the same. for me the most important aspect of DJ'ing is programming: you need to play the right records at the right time and construct a coherent story or narrative. and this is something october definitely did. it just happened he did it in slightly cleaner fashion in the final version... anyway, here it is, and apologies again for the fuck up:
october - ssg special mx (final version!)
tracklisting is the same:
1. Actress - 'Maze' (Honest Jons)
2. Moodyman - 'Dem Young Sconies'
3. Big Strick - 'E850' (Omar S Remix) (FXHE Detroit)
4. Unknown - '1XA'
5. Unknown - White Label
6. DJ Bone - 'Fam' (Subject Detroit)
7. Bovill - 'Trescore' (Meanwhile)
8. Levon Vincent - 'Polar Bear make nice with Sea Lion' (Deconstruct)
9. Round 3 - 'Acting Crazy' (Main Street)
10. Kowton - 'Basic Music Knowledge' (Idle Hands)
11. Behling & Simpson - 'Tetch' (October's Point Your Finger Reinterpretation) (Perspectiv)
12. Unknown - 'Untitled' (Caravan)
13. Skudge - 'Contamination'
14. Behling & Simpson - 'Tetch' (Perspectiv)
15. MCDE - 'Raw Cuts 6'
16. Soundstream - 'Live Goes On'
ok, that's it. we've got our next ssg special mx coming tomorrow, and it is from artist named after another month of the year...
zwischenwelt transmission 1: mirrors
we've recently been featuring information about a new audio-visual project, zwischenwelt, which has an album due soon on rephlex. it is made up of heinrich mueller, beta evers, susana correia and penelope martin. if you missed some of the previous posts, make sure to check this excellent mix from penelope and a killer mix composed of heinrich mueller productions.
here is a new video produced by zwischenwelt that mueller has given us. it is entitled, 'mirrors'.
more transmissions to follow...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sunday Special: Magda presents 'Forty Fathoms'

I first met Magda in the front bar of a friend's friend's launch party, where she was mixing some disco records.
Not only was the mixing flawless – which was astonishing, given how bad the acoustics in the place were and the absence of any foldback - but the track selection and programming were both inspired in and of themselves and perfectly sympathetic for the mood and moment.
Then there's her versatility: I had her pegged as a house and disco DJ, then she killed it at HaHa's 'Redshape' party in Sydney a few months back, with a technoid set that would have done any of the panoramabar residents proud.
Magda is proof that some people are just meant to DJ. Listen to this and you'll hear why.
Magda presents: Forty Fathoms
...casual skype Q&A follows...
m: just remembered you gave me the extended mix of Carly Simon's Why... oh the awesomeness!
p: It is fucking hot, no? But this morning I am 'oh my fucking god' spazzing out over one of the tracks on Efdemin's newie, 'Wonderland'. Reminds me why I liked Brinkmann and microhouse.
p: *ahem* First question for the Q&A: tell me (describe) a little about this mix. Specifically, tell me a little bit about what makes it your mix? Where's the Magda in this mix, the 'Magda' moment? & (what) can this mix tell us about your general approach to DJing?
m: I try and create a specific promotional mix annually, one that encapsulates where I'm at with DJing as a craft and an aesthetic, if I can say these things without sounding too pretentious! I make them to give out to friends, promoters and musical types as a promo tool, and also for the pleasure of the process. I try and present as many of the sounds and textures that are interesting to me at the time in as cohesive a package as possible when doing these promos. I love allowing the records to breathe, be their own entity, but also interact beautifully with those around them and in the mix as a whole. Also I've always been interested in that magic moment where two records playing together create something entirely new, and that tends to mean long, smooth mixes for better interplay of parts. That can get boring though - it's good to provide contrasts as well! I think this sums up this mix and my overall approach to DJing.
p: Over the past two years, I've developed two rules of thumb (and fingers!) when mixing: 1) if you can, make it good. If you can't make it good, make it quick. 2) Mixing is over-rated; track selection is not. ...what do you think about that?
m: Absolutely agree – it all falls over if you throw down a couple of ill advised tunes and the energy dissipates. Coming back from that is much more difficult than from a fluffed mix - in fact, you can often turn a shit mix to your advantage, or at least the crowd's often much more forgiving of it. I remember seeing Gilles Peterson do exactly that in Berlin a few years ago, he absolutely trashed a mix, did a spin back, got on the mic and said something along the lines of "let's try that again", started the tune and the place erupted. All because the tune was excellent.
p: What are some other moments - either out, on the phones, in the past or recently - have been really transformative for you in terms of DJing? For me, it was hearing the Globus mixes by Herbert and Dan Bell, then hearing Michael Mayer play in Tokyo in 2002 at Blue, which is now defunct. The final event was so hot for me... it made me REALise how amazing DJing could be...
m: Oh wow, that's really difficult to answer - sketchy memories! Gigs that had a huge impact in the early years were the Tweekin and Sabotage parties held in Sydney at the Metro - moments of a dancfloor enthralled. Later on, Charles Webster's appearance at a Mad Racket NYE party was bliss also, and most recently I've had most fun at Picnic's first Horse Meat Disco party and Chris Duckenfield both as PPE and at Racket. These are all moments that stand out as reminders that above all, a night out has to be fun. And all the DJs that played are masterful technixians. In the headphones, recently, Steffi's Panorama Bar II mix, Move D's mix for Sydney's Aprés Sunday session (on their soundcloud, get onto it!) and pretty much anything by Mark E.
p: Where do you feel house and techno are at right now, in three senses or sites: 1) generally, as an artform; 2) geographically, in Sydney; 3) from the heart, personally? Where do you think things are moving, and what kinds of things are moving you? ....also: what do you think makes a fun night 'fun' - and/or: what are things that venues MUST have; what are things they often DON'T have (but should); what are some other things you wish they had? I keep going back to this interview with RV:
m: PC, this is crazy Q&A styles. Alright...
1) As with any artform, music has peaks and troughs and it seems as though we're on the up and up at the moment. I judge this by how much I'm inclined to buy, and at the moment what I'm finding exciting is that there is too much good music, which hasn't been a problem over the last 12 months or so.
2) I think Sydney heads have realised over the past several years that the only way to find a platform for great music is to create it yourself, and the result is a really healthy underground scene. Parties run by HAHA, Future Classic, Loose Kaboose, Co-op, Everyone, Shrug, Picnic and more besides are all about nurturing local talent with the occasional international headliner and it's really exciting to see.
3) Personally, I'm really loving the deep house resurgence that's occurring, now that the first wave of more generic derivative stuff has passed through and producers are really digging deep. Like point, one, there's too much really exciting music getting released!
m: Also...
Geeky discourse aside, a fun night depends on so many variables that it's almost irrelevant listing them. All the essentials should be in place, sure - sound systems need to be good, clear, not too low, not too loud, behind the scenes seamless, all that stuff. But unless you have a trusting, up for it crowd ready to go wherever they're taken, the details don't necessarily matter. I guess the challenge lies in attracting that crowd - people that want to dance! I think Mad Racket does that really well in Sydney - a venue that has faith in the promoters, a solid sound system, but mostly the reputation to pull in a great crowd of trusting, clued up punters who know they're getting a good party regardless of who's playing, pretty much. and with that, i sign off! good night to you, sir.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The First Time as Tragedy....

From: this
To: this
The difference here, the grossness, the thing that leaves the aftertaste: it's the humourlessness, the sincerity of it all.
They REALLY mean it. Sorry Marx, but it's the reverse... or...
Monday, July 5, 2010
My ears’ best albums of the past while. Working Title: My Lf n th Wsh f Synths

Over the past year or two I’ve tried to develop a semi-disciplined listening practice. Mostly it has involved a number of tactics, including: merciless mp3 player ‘gardening’ (pruning, weeding, fairtilizing, no snailbait); a refusal to listen to anything I don’t feel like listening to; a refusal to feel pressured to check out tipster/hyped releases (if it’s gone in 60 seconds, that doesn’t mean I must listen to it right this minute); and, most importantly, close, deep, sustained attention to the very best releases.
These tactics are part of an overall strategy intended to work with the infinity of the datasea and the all-too-human limits of my musical metabolism. Relatedly, it’s also a way of neutralising the pernicious effects of tipping/ripping/upping/dumping music, all of which seems to have become what passes for most people’s musical habitus. The vilest spectacle in this vain vein is the December ‘Carnival of Negation’, that mad, maddening, stupid scramble to listen to everything you didn’t bother with earlier that year, ‘cos it’s on the list of someone you respect, and/or, shit, you’ve got to put your own shitty list together. To me, these aren’t just bad habits, they’re self-inflicted needless sufferings and symptoms of a very dysfunctional musical ecology, one in which only ‘distribution’ (in its loosest sense) is thriving (and only just), to the detriment of producers and listeners. I’m sure rapidshares are doing quite nicely, thank you. And BitTorrent is coal fired. Just remember: the files are 'free', but this is not without costs. It's simply that you have avoided paying those costs.
To me, this drowning, gorging, unswimmable, indigestible situation is something to think our way out of. With all this in mind, I humbly submit what follows as one (doubtless insufficient) response. In anticipation of your criticisms, let me pre-empt by saying: socialise with your music, support your producers, respect your nerves and your ears. As brevity is the soul of t/wit, to wit: I’ve limited each description to three sentences per release – why do you need me to tell you what it sounds like? If you’ve heard it, if you can hear it… Anyway, anyway….
Loscil: Endless Falls
'Endless Falls' joins 'Midtown 120 Blues' and 'Music for Real Airports' as elegies for dead utopias (Paradise Garage, CDG/LAX, Trades Hall). At these depths, despite the darkness and the pressure, Loscil, singing praise of lost causes, makes sure you never feel like you’re drowning. Socialist melancholia never sounded quite so sublime.
Eleh: Location Momentum
The physicality of sound gets its full due here (with great interest). If I describe it as music that (vaguely) makes you want to puke, shit, and cry, and mean it as a compliment, will you know what I mean? Lovers of Kevin Drumm, Pansonic and Merzbow will face the bass (and turn it up).
Masayoshi Fujita & Jan Jelinek: Bird, Lake, Objects
There are secret spaces in our faithful instruments. They are leading meaningful existences of their own, in their own way, in and for themselves. Here are some very pretty ways to amplify, document and ornament audible evidence of the movement of their discreetly lodged moments.
Efdemin: Chicago
This is ‘just genre work’, but then again, so’s Chandler (Kerri and/or Raymond). Efdemin pushes all the tropes – his own and his genre’s, the genres that he’s made his own, his own genres' and the way they own you – to somewhere at the edge of beyond. You’ll have to work a bit to find this one (it shows admirable restraint, an effect of good breeding and careful polish), but when you do, you’ll have found a finely wrought, perfectly balanced album.
Actress: Splazsh
There are many people who are trying to make music like Actress. Most of them are not as talented. ‘Funk is what you don’t play’.
Mapstation: The Africa Chamber
As well as an excellent example of why microphones and percussion make fine bed fellows, this is also one of the most ‘listenable’ recordings you’re 'likely to hear'. The last beat falls, I hit the play button again. Then the last beat falls, and I hit the play button again.
Roll the Dice: Roll the Dice
Geo/sonically, we’re a long way away from ‘A pen and a paper/a stereo a tape a/me and Eric B and a nice big plate of fish’, but: there’s a lot that could and should be said about the combination of a productive musical relationship, a studio, and minimal(ist) equipment. Rolling the Dice means the outcome is a matter of chance. So how come this collection of improvisations sounds just like what happens ‘when preparation meets opportunity’?
Kevin Drumm: Imperial Horizon
There are ebbs and flows. There are times when the dance kids teach the guitar kids how to use software suitely, and times when the guitar kids remind the dance kids about songs, music, and honey-voicing pretty girls with roving microphones and shake appeal. Meanwhile, Kevin Drumm is elsewhere intensely occupied – and neither production nor music (nor the instruments involved, who, I’ve been assured, did consent) will ever be quite the same.
Junior Boys: Last Exit
This one never sat quite right on first rotation. But time’s the revelator. And with the ease of hindsight, or just the acknowledgement of something slipping into phenomenon, there’s something really special going on here – still more now. Actually, this could be 2010 for all I know.
Ricardo Villalobos: Alcachofa
For too long this green beast oversignified its way into the ‘unlistenable’ category for me. Brain says it’s time to go back – consider doing so by way of a playlist sans 'Easy Lee' and 'Dexter'. You’ll feel less unbearably sad, and by the end you’ll either realise or remember why this album sounded so magnificent: because it is so magnificent.
Jimi Hendrix: Band of Gypsies
Frank Zappa’s advice – ‘shut up and play your guitar’ – has been heeded by too many fucking guitarists (please shut up, Frank). For once, Hendrix shows restraint, but without fading a single bar of his best ecstatic genius. Maybe this recording was too black, too strong to be as well known as the Experience albums, but this, for me, is both his best and, as electronic music listeners, a fundamental common root of our shared musical passions: ‘funk is what you don’t play’.

Sunday, July 4, 2010
gorman, parker, october tracklists
Here are tracklists for a few recent sets we've featured on ssgs:
Kevin Gorman ssg special mx
Abigail Mead - Sniper
Giorgio Gigli & Obtane - The DIfferent Perception of Silence
Raudive - Entrance
Claudio PRC - Aphelion
Future Sound of London - My Kingdom
Sabres of Paradise white label
Twerk - Strata Terrain
The Fairfield Four - Lonesome Valley
Jon Hassell - Empire I
Area - Everything Thrown Away
Ralph Stanley - O Death
Raudive - Birth
Jon Hassell - Blues Nile
Jeff Mills - Transformation A
Dino Sabatini & Donato Dozzy - Nocturnal
Terence Fixmer - Electric City (Function Remix)
Milton Bradley - The Unheard Voice From Outerspace
Cheap and Deep Productions - Tight
BCR - Delete
Riley Reinhold - Vlad (Area Remix)
Conforce - Intimidation
Patrice Scott - Eclipse Beats
Redshape - The Lesson
Mike Parker - Hiss
Mundo Muzique - Acid Pandemonium
Marcel Dettmann - Silex
Marcel Dettmann - Blank Scenario
DVS1 - tbc
Kevin Gorman - SevenEightNine (Marcel Dettmann Remix)
Kevin Gorman - 7am stepper
Mike Parker @ Mariana v2, Tokyo, 5.12.09
01] Radial / Plafond / Token / Token 4
02] Equinox / Curtains / Synewave / SW49
03] Damon Wild / Touch Tone / N.E.W.S. / KZ02 VI
04] N/A / Variance III (Marcel Dettmann Edit) / Sandwell District / SD14
05] DJ Slip / Sketches Vol. 1 Side B / Missile / Missile 14
06] Paul Horn / Vibrations / Epic / BXN 26466
07] Function / Reykjavik / Sandwell District / SD 07
08] Jeroen Liebregts / Vloer / Audio Assault / AAR 028
09] Surgeon / Klonk A2 / Dynamic Tension Records / DTR007
10] Sub Space / The Bi-Machine / Labrynth / Labrynth12
11] Traversable Wormhole / Exotic Matter / Traversable Wormhole / TW03
12] Kevin Gorman / Nearly (Original) / Mikrowave / MWAVE10
13] Traversable Wormhole / Superluminal / Traversable Wormhole / TW03
14] Ade Fenton / Broken (Chris McCormack Remix) / Advanced / ADV 009
15] Apathism / Ten / U-Turn / UT10
16] Stanislav Tolkachev / Blue Mood / Aftertaste Recordings / AFTER 002
17] Silent Servant / Discipline / Sandwell District / SD15
18] The Source Experience / Universal Energy / R & S / RS 95055
19] Mike Parker / Substratum (Foundation Mix) / Orange Groove / OGG004
20] Mike Parker / Amalgamated (Extension Mix) / Geophone / GPH08
21] Samuli Kemppi / Neliöavaruus / Pakkas-levyt / PAKKAS004-6
22] Thomas Krome / Demolition Disco / Corb / CORB 002
23] Steve Stoll / Man Made / 212 Productions / 212-008-1
24] Mike Parker / Inversion 2 / Geophone / GPH10
25] Nax Acid / Flying Higher / Aconito Records / AC002
26] Sleep Archive / Hospital 06 / Sleeparchive / ZZZ 06
27] Mike Parker / Wanderer / Labrynth / Labrynth8
28] Mike Parker / Acromion / Dubplate
29] Mike Parker / Hiss / Dozzy Records / DZR-003
30] Mike Parker / cv3 / Geophone / GPH07
31] Function / Variance (CH-Signal Laboratories Edit) / Sandwell District / SDRM01
32] Donor \ Truss / Abbott (Mike Parker Remix) / Synewave / SW82
33] Mike Parker / Inversion 4 / Geophone / GPH10
34] Hardcell / Reaction Control A2 / Skunkworks / SKUNK05
35] Mike Parker / Inversion 2 / Geophone / GPH10
36] D. Dozzy & Nuel / C2 / Aquaplano / AQUAPLANO 1111
37] Plan Tec / Espias Psiquicos (Jonas Kopp Psiquic Remix) / Spectral Sound / SPC-43
38] Function / Isotope / Sandwell District / SD 07
39] Len Faki / My Black Sheep / Podium / POD003
40] Mike Denhert / Umluft A / Fachwerk / FW 008
41] Roman Lindau / Simplicity / Fachwerk / FW 007
42] Jeroen Search / Radiate / Figure SPC / figure spc A
43] Rydell / Careless / Fachwerk / FW 007
44] Ben Klock / Subzero / Ostgut Ton / o-ton19
October ssg special mx
1. Actress - 'Maze' (Honest Jons)
2. Moodyman - 'Dem Young Sconies'
3. Big Strick - 'E850' (Omar S Remix) (FXHE Detroit)
4. Unknown - '1XA'
5. Unknown - White Label
6. DJ Bone - 'Fam' (Subject Detroit)
7. Bovill - 'Trescore' (Meanwhile)
8. Levon Vincent - 'Polar Bear make nice with Sea Lion' (Deconstruct)
9. Round 3 - 'Acting Crazy' (Main Street)
10. Kowton - 'Basic Music Knowledge' (Idle Hands)
11. Behling & Simpson - 'Tetch' (October's Point Your Finger Reinterpretation) (Perspectiv)
12. Unknown - 'Untitled' (Caravan)
13. Skudge - 'Contamination'
14. Behling & Simpson - 'Tetch' (Perspectiv)
15. MCDE - 'Raw Cuts 6'
16. Soundstream - 'Live Goes On'
There you go. Plenty of records to go & spend your money on...
Friday, July 2, 2010
friday fun
ridiculously fresh and well put together mix from jackmaster put together for the allez-allez crew. jack is one of the core members of the numbers collective in glasgow, who are doing some very interesting things these days. like with much of their stuff, in this mix, jackmaster manages to keep on the tasteful side of mash up and creates some energizing hybrid funk. and anyone who can fit janet jackson and drexciya in the same mix deserves props in my books.
mastermix by jackmaster
ciara - 1, 2 step
ralph rosario - you used to hold me (beats)
ralph rosario - you used to hold me
missy elliot - ??? instrumental (that one that samples cybotron)
hollertronix - control
destiny’s child - lose my breath (serge santiago remix)
some baile funk riddim
mia - pull up the people (davinche remix)
various production - i’m really hot
girls on top - i wanna dance with numbers (best mash up ever)
chaka khan - i feel for you
janet jackson - pleasure principle (remix)
jimmy edgar - my beats
another baile funk thing
lidel townsell - i’ll make you dance
alden tyrell - ???
dj funk - ???
drexciya - water walker
dexter - mr. blunt
tok tok - ???
dj godfather & coon daddy - ???
mr oizo - stunt?
respect to allez-allez and jackmaster for this.
*edit* another super enjoyable mix from jackmaster. this one is equally awesome and includes a couple of my all time favourite records:
jackmaster - tweak-a-holic mix 1
Fatima Yamaha – What’s a Girl To Do
Pointer Sisters – Automatic
College Club – College
Rhythm talk – City Street
Todd Terje – Eurodans
Klein & MBO – Dirty Talk
Loud-E – Roboterwerke Edit
Ralphi Rosario – You Used To Hold Me
Alexander Robotnick – Problemes D’Amour
52nd Street – I Can’t Let You Go
Joyce Sims – All And All
Rick James – Ghetto Life
Sir Mix A Lot – I Got Game
Shannon – Let The Music Play
Colonel Abrahms – Trapped
Two Sisters – B Boys Beware
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