Wednesday, May 5, 2010


so much for having a break, but this is something we are really excited about... mnml ssgs has teamed up with disk union, the leading record store in tokyo, to produce a special promo CD of one of our mixes. the one we selected was marcel fengler's timeless ssg mx14. disk union have pressed some CDs of it, and you get one free if you spend at least 3000 yen (that equals about 2 records or a CD). you can find it at the following disk union stores: shibuya, shinjyuku, ochyanomizu, shimokitazawa, kashiwa, ikebukuro, yokohama, chiba, tsudanuma, kitaurawa, kichijyoji, kunitachi and online.

we think it is a pretty good deal. why? there are 2 main differences from the one you can download here. first, it is something physical - it is the first non-digital ssg. second, and more importantly, this mix is in lossless. you get to hear marcel's mix in all its original glory. yes!

we are really excited and proud of this. disk union is a store we've been going to for a long time, so it is great to now be working with them. hopefully it will be the first of more collabs in the future...

big thanks to shin @ disk union and marcel fengler. for more info, check disk union here.


5/2(土) 16時以降のご注文から、税込3,000円以上お買い上 げでMARCEL FENGLERのMIX-CD1枚を差し上げます!
※MIX CDの内容は「mnml ssgs mx 14」と同一のものです。
+ 特典は無くなり次第、キャンペーン終了とさせていただきます。予めご了承くださいませ。
+ 対象商品 : 新品または中古品のTECHNO, HOUSEのCD・レコード等音楽ソフト。(イベントチケットは対象外)
+ 交換方法 : 期間中に対象商品を一回のお買い上げ3千円(税込)で1枚プレゼント。

+ 開催店舗 :CLUB MUSIC ONLINE(通販) 渋谷クラブミュージックショップ 新宿クラブミュージックショップ お茶の水クラブミュージックショップ 柏クラブミュージックショップ 下北沢店 吉祥寺店 国立駅前店 町田店 淵野辺店  津田沼店 千葉店 北浦和店 池袋店 横浜西口店


  1. online purchases at lossless quality (ie.flac,shn file) - that's where I'd put my money.

    those CDs and DVD's were a scam by publishers to sell people a medium with a short life span and no option for recovery...

    it's beyond me why more artists haven't figured this out yet...

  2. Brilliant choice for the mix, I still love the Fengler one.

  3. Nice choice of mix.

    Disk Union is awesome! Was one of the first places I went to in Tokyo last year, kicked the shit out of Melbourne record shopping!

  4. So can I get this online? any options for those who dont plan on visiting tokyo in the near future?

  5. Awesome choice, awesome format!! :)

    "it is the first non-digital ssg"

    data on a CD is still digital....

  6. any chance to buy it online?

    Cheers from Germany


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