Thursday, March 26, 2009

mnml ssgs mx23: natural/electronic.system.

ok, for those expecting kevin gorman, he should be next week. nevermind, kevin is going to have a very hard time matching what these boys came up with...

natural/electronic.system. are an italian duo i came across some time last year. it was a mix they did a few months ago (which i posted here) that really grabbed my attention. it had all the features that tend to appeal to me: careful track selection and a strong emphasis on flow, combined with the right BPMs. as soon as i contacted them asking to contribute, i knew i'd made the right call. still, when this mix arrived the other day i was completely blown away. this is on a completely different level to anything i've heard from them previously. what has particularly impressed me is the maturing over their sound. you can notice influences here (e.g. dozzy), but they are developing a very unique voice of their own.

combined with eric's contribution last week, this mix marks for us an important development in the series. a long standing aim of ours has not been necessarily to get the biggest names, but the right ones. as part of that, a specific goal we've had is building up the series so that we can use it as a forum for promoting up and coming artists who we believe are doing something special and have bright futures ahead. thanks to eric and natural/electronic.system. for delivering the goods and to our readers for trusting our judgement. anyway, enough from me, i'll let the boys introduce their mix:

natural/electronic.system. are antonio giova and valerio gomez de ayala, a dj/producers duo from a city that lies at the foot of the volcano vesuvius on the bay of napoli, italy.

the most important thing for us is not to be put in a category. we don't like to be labeled with a mark that describes our style. we're not just techno djs, or deep, or minimal house djs and so on.

the thing we like most is expressing our deeper feelings through the electronic music that influenced us in years and years of listening and research. it could sound like a commonplace, but it's just like this. nothing more.

our musical background was influenced at the beggining from the "old neapolitan school techno" and from a lot of different generes of techno, IDM, experimental, and electronic music from all the world. but over the years our attention was suddenly caught by the old and the modern sound coming from another italian city: rome. here we found special music and really special people. we want to just say "thank you" to them all. maybe we never do it before. :)

a big thanks also to all the mnml ssgs crew who have flattered us with some great feedback.

the mix "from napoli to rotterdam" is the reflection of our life situation right now. it's divided in two parts and is the result of our deeper and intimate feelings. a journey lasting over two hours of pure passion for electronic music.

mnml ssgs mx23: natural/electronic.system. present 'from napoli to rotterdam'
part one
part two

much respect to antonio and valerio for digging deep and producing this for us. we really are very proud to be hosting this mix. you can find more info about natural/electronic.system. at their myspace. enjoy...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wow, wasn't expecting this. there was a post on here with they're hypnos mix and i still listen to it. can't wait, thanks ssgs.

  3. ... I should really read before I comment out of excitement.

  4. @ danny: excitement first, thinking later. works fine for me. if you liked the hypnos mix, you'll love this one. special stuff.

  5. really nice so far... exactly what I needed this morning.

  6. very nice...they even played one of my favorites...second track ^^

  7. combined with eric's contribution last week, this mix marks for us an important development in the series. a long standing aim of ours has not been necessarily to get the biggest names, but the right ones.

    well...i think that's the best compliment i've ever received. so glad the ssg's have open minds and ears!

    haven't started listening yet, but i'll dive in to this this afternoon. looking forward to it!

  8. can't wait to listen... the hypnos mix still keeps me happy doing the late night shift!,

  9. how about posting some tracklists for the 2 other podcasts hmmmn?

  10. the reason we are slow on the tracklists is that we are trying to combine them with interviews, and that takes time and we are busy right now... if you want the tracklisting for cio's mix, check her webpage:

  11. OH MY GOODNESS. Their last mix was on repeat my whole vacation. Thanks for this!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. The track around 56 min of part 1 is divine. Need it bad. Thanks for this excellent 'cast, ssgs and n/e.s!

  14. @ sarah: i don't have a tracklist so can't help you, but that sounds a lot like something off modern love...

  15. pt.1 was rocking my socks until the last 20min. and it totally lost me.

    pt.2 is blowing my mind right now though. just what i wanted to hear and enjoy.

  16. @sarah

    it's: Scuba - Hard Boiled (SCB edit) on Hotflush...
    (sorry for giving this away already)

  17. @ adriaan: damn, that is embarrassing. i have that track and pete mentioned he was happy it was in the mix. idiot! thanks for the spot.

  18. Just mindblowing!!

  19. I think they are a very good Djs. In their live performance the adrenaline is very high!

  20. i'm so grateful there is this kind of music in the world.
    how long can we keep mindfuck techno a secret?

  21. Heh heh! The tracklisting debate rears its ugly head again. I can see why people like to know what some tracks are called, just so's they can use them in mixes themselves. Only being a recreational DJ myself I don't really give a shit. Here is the music. If there's a tracklist fair enough. If not, then there's a obviously a reason why it's not been provided.

  22. I actually go out of my way to avoid the tracklists completely even if they're available. I prefer to do my digging and finding on my own without the outside influence.

    Gonna get a listen to this over the weekend :)

  23. Oh my God....tha's the real CYBERDRUG!!!!
    Excellent performace, thanks N/E.S.

  24. save for the klimek mix, every podcast on here has blown me away, and i still listen to them on a constant basis. hell, about 2gb of my iphone is all these mixes...*shakes fist*


    point being...i think that part two of this newest podcast could be the finest thing in the entire series. and i'm talking possibly, dare i say, better than the dozzy? yes, they're different, but my lord...part two is owning me!!

    hats off to the duo...much, much respect from nyc. now i need a budget so i can book them at my monthly...hah!

  25. The track at the very end of Part 1 is *amazing* ... it completely makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up ...

  26. never listen something like this! I wish for you a bright futures... This is your year, no one like you deserve!

  27. Cam, I agree about the last track on part 1. It sounds like an echo from my industrial days.

    And that transition around 50-51 is so well considered. WAKE UP!

  28. Only just in download, and I'll see what I can do. That is, unless you guys get to it before me ;).

  29. I got nothing for part 1. Not a sausage. Bugger all.

    As for part 2, these are definite:
    39:00: Convextion - Ondes
    42:00: Sven Weisemann - Spheric Wave

    and these are assumed:
    36:00: Andy Stott - Silver Metallic Dollars
    1:10:30: Donato Dozzy - A

  30. thanks ssgs and nes.

  31. just got around to listening to this one.

    really really great mix. maybe the best ssgmx so far.

    finishing part 2 with kangding ray was very inspired. perfect ending.

  32. I can haz tracklisting?
    (Especially with track on mix 2 at 21:00)

  33. I've listened to both these mixes a fair few times now. Part one isnt bad, but doesnt really grab me. But, part two is amazing, and I think it will be on my walkman for ages.

  34. the very first track is from Robert Henke's Floating.Point

  35. just finally listened to part two long enough to hear secondhand satellites.... if not my favourite track of all time then pretty bloody close.

    and seriously part 2 is amazing so far. this has just topped it off for me.

  36. This is a great mix, but if no tracklist is supplied it does little to promote the individual artists who produced the tracks surely?

  37. cracking effort gentlemen!!!


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